We Commit

We understand the Bible to teach that every Christian is responsible to care for other Christians in the context of a local church (Hebrews 12:15). We who have joined IBC joyfully practice church membership, discipleship, and discipline, because we understand God’s Word to teach that every Christian is called and commanded to follow Christ in the context of a local church.

a healthy church

We are thankful for every member God brings us, because every believer is empowered by the Holy Spirit to participate and contribute to the life and ministry of the local congregation uniquely, thus contributing to the building up of Christ’s church while preserving unity amidst the church’s glorious diversity (Ephesians 4).

a committed church

Motivated by love for and obedience to God, we are committed to our fellow members. The Scriptures teach many duties and privileges of Christians to “one-another,” and we recognize we cannot possibly fulfill all of these to all Christians in all parts of the world. So we also see the beauty of God’s design to instruct us in Scripture to practice church membership, discipleship, and discipline.

That is, although we are members of Christ’s global and universal church, we must also live out these privileges and responsibilities to God and one another as members of a local, committed group of fellow Christians. It is then, primarily, these fellow members of our local church that we live out the commands and privileges of adoption into God’s family.

a submitted church

As Baptists, we believe the whole congregation of believers has final authority and responsibility in matters of the church’s worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrine. Therefore, we encourage true Christians to join themselves and submit to a local, gospel-believing congregation through membership.

Whether you join us or another gospel-believing and gospel-preaching church, we hope we can help you walk in obedience to the Lord Jesus.